'Proggy' - Rag Rug Cushion
I work in a craft shop, therefore am inspired by many of the products we sell. The 'Proggy' kits have been on my radar for some time as they utilise traditional rag rug techniques but using fleece, which a more contemporary fabric. I found the fleece had some flexibility which made the process easier for a beginner like myself.
The instructions that came with the kit were rather vague, therefore I made the texture too dense, which meant that I ran out of the fleece that was provided. Luckily I happened to have some coloured fleece within my fabric stash (making me glad I rummage round in remnant bins every so often!) so was able to complete the centre of the cushion using this, creating my own pattern along the way.
The density of the finished cushion makes for an interesting texture when touched, and i would like to think that it would be a talking point of the room.
I aspire to have a house filled with handcrafted items in the future and this is just one step on my path to that.

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