Mini Knitted Woolly Hats
For a number of years now, Innocent Smoothies have been running 'The Innocent Big Knit', whereby they ask anyone who can (or can't) knit to knit 'little woolly hats' to go on the Innocent Fruit Smoothie bottles, and for each smoothie sold with a little hat on, 25p is donated to Age UK.
When I heard about this I thought it was a brilliant idea for a great cause, so decided to get knitting. The Big Knit website had patterns available to follow, for which I was grateful, i'm not sure what my hats would have looked liked without them! My goal was to knit ten little hats to send to Innocent, and that I did, the evidence is shown below.
If you are interested in knitting some hats or donating some money to Age UK, all the information is on The Innocent Big Knit website here.
Thanks for reading.

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